Conditions for the purchase of solar systems


These conditions ("Conditions") apply to agreements between Enosol ("Enosol") and the individual customer regarding the purchase and installation of a complete solar cell system ("Solar cell system"). As we deliver different types of installations, only what is relevant for the specific installation will apply.

Orders are binding when the customer has signed the order and conditions with Bank ID, or otherwise confirmed in writing.



Enosol is responsible for personal data that is processed on the basis of this agreement on the purchase and installation of the solar plant. Enosol processes personal data in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and in accordance with any measures taken by public authorities. To read more about how Enosol processes your personal data, please see our privacy policy here


Prices and assumptions



Enosol reserves the right for errors in the submitted offer, be it an incorrect price or other circumstances which mean that we cannot deliver in accordance with the submitted offer. In such situations, Enosol will inform about this after the customer makes contact to place an order. As a customer, you will then have the opportunity to accept our new offer with the changes indicated or cancel the order if you so wish.

A final agreement on price will only be available once the design has been completed. This assumes that Enosol has received the information from the customer that is necessary to make a correct calculation of the costs that will be incurred.



• Prices appear in the order document or purchase contract between Enosol and the customer. The price includes, unless otherwise agreed, installation of a complete solar system, including all materials, labour, electrician, permits and commissioning. If the delivery date is changed beyond 3 months. because of. circumstances with the customer, over which Enosol has no control, any price changes may affect the price of delivery.

The prices are based on the installation being carried out under normal conditions where the following assumptions apply:

• The price is only final when planning has been completed and all the necessary information has been received from the customer.

• The inverter is placed and connected to the electrical system in the same building as the solar system, and placed outside. Consideration has been given to up to 15 meters of cable from the inverter to the fuse box, and the grounding cable from the fuse box to the ceiling a maximum of 15 meters (provided that the existing grounding is correctly dimensioned / any equalization grounding is added). Cabling beyond this incurs additional costs.

• The inverter is mounted on the outside of the same building as the solar panels, and the cable is routed using the simplest and most appropriate route

• Cabling, both outdoors and indoors, is run on the outside of walls.

• Existing cable ducts are used if appropriate

• Fuse cabinets, main fuses, distributions and any sub-circuits are sufficiently dimensioned

• The fuse box meets existing regulatory requirements and has sufficient space. If the existing fuse box needs to be repaired or a new fuse box needs to be installed, the customer will be invoiced for all additional costs separately.

• The roof is suitable for mounting the solar system, and is in normal good condition

• Work on roofs, and with roof tiles, can in some special cases cause the roof tiles to be damaged and have to be replaced. Enosol will replace roof tiles, but it is required that the customer has extra roof tiles available. If this cannot be done while installers are on site, replacing the roof tiles will be the customer's responsibility.

• If the roof tiles are nailed, a supplement for extra work of NOK will normally be required. NOK 150 per roof attachment, and in addition the customer must ensure that there are roof tiles on site that can be used for roof tiles that need to be replaced. When working to remove roof tiles that have been nailed, there will be a risk that the roof tiles will have to be replaced where roof fasteners are to be placed. This means that there must be roof tiles available for all roof fixings, normally 48 roof fixings per 20 panels.

• The customer has specified the correct roof covering to Enosol during the planning work. Incorrect information about the roof covering or the technical condition of the roof can result in more costs that must be covered by the customer

• Roof tiles (single and double curved that are not nailed), steel roofs, cardboard roofs, shingles or similar are considered "normal". Other types of roofs must be stated and may incur additional costs.

• In the case of snow or ice on the roof, we will normally wait for installation until it is gone. We therefore also want information from the customer on this, when the agreed installation time approaches.

Normal installation also means that there are no other obstacles, e.g. Bats (protected) or other animals/insects that are protected, or hinder installation.

• Extra work with this will be the customer's responsibility, and will be charged 100% of the cost incurred. If the solar system is only partially completed, or canceled due to this, elapsed time, materials and costs will be charged to the customer.


Shipping and storage of goods.

• Goods and equipment are packed and sent normally 1-2 weeks before assembly. This is so that the equipment will be in place when the installers are ready.

• Customer must have space for approx. 1-2 pallets with equipment

• Equipment must be able to be left at the customer's address until installation begins.

• If the customer does not have space on their own property, it will be natural for the customer to assist in finding an alternative place for storage until assembly.

• When installing integrated solar panels, it is assumed that the roof is prepared for installation, fully battened according to the installation description. This also applies to the size of the area on which the panel is to be mounted.

• The customer is responsible for obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from the relevant authorities before the Products are installed. Such approvals include, among other things, building permits from the city or municipality, agreements on power supply and power connection with the local grid owner, as well as agreements with the Customer's electricity supplier on the sale and purchase of excess electricity.

• Enosol is not responsible for assisting with or taking care of such permission processes on behalf of the Customer. Enosol reserves the right to assist the Customer with information at its own discretion, to assist with any permit processes.

• Enosol tries to map out all necessary changes before the Products are installed, but sometimes changes in size, configuration, materials and equipment may occur during the installation work, and the Price will be reduced or increased accordingly. The provisions in the section on design apply correspondingly to changes that occur during installation.


Products and assembly

• Installation normally applies to "normal" roofs made of tiles, steel roofs (corrugated tin), cardboard and shingle roofs. Other roof surfaces, such as turf roofs, slate roofs, nailed roof tiles etc., may incur additional costs or separate conditions.

• Solar cells are installed appropriately, according to the design and installation instructions from the manufacturer. In some cases, there will be a gap between rows of Solar Panels (opening), due to the placement of roof fasteners in relation to roof tiles. This is to comply with the manufacturer's requirements for assembly. This will not be grounds for a complaint.

• When installing on outbuildings, sheds, boathouses etc., where distances between roof beams deviate from normal building standards, it is accepted that it is changed to a horizontal panel. It must be necessary to mount the panel horizontally, in order to meet the manufacturer's requirements for mounting. In such cases, there will be an addition of NOK. NOK 150 per panel for additional work on this. It can also cause the number of panels to change. Any increase or decrease in the number of panels will increase or decrease the invoice accordingly. An increase in the number of panels must be approved by the customer before installation. If the customer does not want an increase in price, the number agreed, or what there is room for, will be installed.

Solar panel can have different colour shades. Single panel may be slightly lighter, or darker than others. This can have several reasons, as the individual cells are made up of electrical components. Shades of colour will not be grounds for complaint.

• WIFI coverage where the inverter is placed must be at least 3 lines on the telephone. If there is a weaker signal, in some cases it will not be possible to connect the system to the App and Wifi. This will not be grounds for a complaint. The solution would be for the customer to have a wifi amplifier, which means that coverage is good.

• Cables and pipes in the transition from ceiling to wall will be in different colours. This is because of the color codes used on live wires. It is not possible to choose colors on these. A solution may be to paint these for less visibility.

• When installing a solar cell system on a roof with roof tiles, steel sheets, decra sheets etc. dents, slits and fasteners through such roofs can result in the loss of the product warranty from the roof manufacturer. Enosol is not responsible for damages that occur due to dents or loss of product warranty. Our starting point is to make the installation the best possible, and at the same time as appropriate and professionally sound as possible.

• In the presence of asbestos, e.g. in the form of eternite sheets, additional costs will arise due to removal and work in an asbestos environment. This is invoiced to the customer separately. Enosol reserves the right to cancel agreements with customers where the roof contains asbestos-containing materials if the customer does not wish to incur additional costs for this. If the solar system is only partially completed, or cancelled due to this, elapsed time, materials and costs will be charged to the customer.

In special cases, inverters can be designed for a slightly lower output than the solar panels' performance in order to optimize the annual production (cost/benefit) of energy from the solar system. This is completely normal and deliberate in order to optimize the annual total energy production in relation to the cost of the Inverter. This means that the plant could produce somewhat more in short periods with a larger Inverter, but that the cost of this cannot be justified within a reasonable time perspective with increased earnings.



Noise from the inverter is according to the manufacturer's information in the data sheet. On summer days with a lot of sun, it will be felt that there is a lot of noise from the Inverter. Placement of the Inverter takes place in accordance with the installation instructions and the fitter's assessment. Moving the inverter at a later date, at the customer's request, will entail additional costs that must be covered by the customer.



Adjustment of the solar system's size (e.g. number of solar panels) or configuration (e.g. use of Optimizer) may occur if the nature, design or construction of the roof means that the roof area available for mounting solar panels is increased or decreased.

Enosol's aim is to clarify the need for such changes before starting the installation work, but minor changes may occasionally be required during the work.

Unless changes are less than 10% of the total price.

The price will then be able to decrease or increase in accordance with the costs of the changes. Increases in size and price must be approved by the buyer.

When ordering additional Optimizers, the cost of these, including installation, must be paid by the customer, but the customer must always give their consent before the Optimizer is installed.


Credit check

Enosol has the right to carry out a credit check on the customer. Enosol can demand that the customer pay for the installation or provide security for full payment if due before start-up.


Payment and invoicing

Enosol invoices the customer for the entire plant approx. 14 days before the start of installation of the solar system. The invoice is due as follows, the customer must pay 40% at the time of invoicing, 40% at the start of work and the remaining 20% ​​when the work has been carried out and the plant has been fully assembled. This is also normally shown on the invoice. In the event of late payment, the customer must pay late payment interest in accordance with the applicable legislation on late payment.


Customer's responsibility

The customer must provide Enosol or our subcontractors with all relevant information that is requested when sending an order confirmation, normally within one week of the sent order confirmation.

Cost increases as a result of incorrect information being given to Enosol, electricians or subcontractors, or relevant information not being given within established deadlines, will be invoiced to the customer in full.

The incorrect information includes, but is not limited to, incorrect or misleading information about the technical condition of the customer's property, roof covering, roof angle, number of roof surfaces and the height of the roof.

After installation, it is the Customer who is responsible for safe traffic on their own property, including any need for snow guards. Enosol can assist in the installation of snow traps on request.

The customer must ensure that Enosol and subcontractors have unhindered access to the customer's property for the installation of the solar system, including access to the customer's house and electricity or building electricity. The customer must be responsible for the necessary snow removal and similar measures on the property that are necessary for the completion of the installation. Cost increases as a result of restrictions on access to the customer's property will be invoiced to the customer in full.

The customer must also comply with Enosol or our suppliers' guidelines during installation of the solar system, including not using scaffolding or other access to the roof.

Customers cannot carry out parts of the installation work themselves, and Enosol does not give a discount for work that the customer carries out on their own initiative, unless this has been agreed in writing between the parties.

The customer is responsible for notifying their own insurance company about the installation of the solar system on the customer's property.

The customer is himself responsible for applying for Enova support. Offers can be made with a price according to Enova support, but this requires that the customer is within the guidelines that Enova has for support. It is the customer's responsibility to familiarize themselves with the rules regarding Enova support. If rules change, or the customer is not within the regulations to receive Enova support, this will be the customer's responsibility.

The customer is himself responsible for the sale of surplus power.


Damage to property

Enosol undertakes to take the customer's property into account during the installation of the solar system. Enosol undertakes to compensate for damages that occur beyond what is necessary to carry out the installation work when the damages occur due to negligence on Enosol's part.

Changes in the roof's water and snow flow in the event of large amounts of rainfall can occur after installation of the solar cell system, including uneven sliding of snow from the roof or over the shooting of rainwater over the gutter. Nails or screws can penetrate the suspended ceiling and become visible from the inside if the ceiling is designed so that this occurs.

This is not to be considered damage to the customer's property, as Enosol is responsible for replacing.


Product warranty

• Warranty follows product sheet.

• Enosol delivers documentation and product sheets in the housing folder to the customer.

• Enosol guarantees that the solar system has the specified nominal direct current effect. It also means that Enosol does not give a guarantee regarding the power production.



• Delivery of the solar system means that all the equipment is correctly and functionally installed and tested.

• The customer is responsible for ensuring that the power grid on the property is in operation upon delivery.

• Commissioning of the solar system, including the start of production, takes place after approval from local authorities, such as the local grid owner. In some cases, it will not be possible to put the solar system into operation at the time of delivery, due to requirements from local authorities or grid owners.

• Enosol will start operation of the plant as soon as this is possible.

• If the WIFI does not work, but the plant produces, the plant is considered to have been handed over as production can be read on the Inverter. If there is a fault with the WIFI on Enosol or the Supplier, this must of course be sorted out without undue delay.

• If things beyond Enosol's control mean that the plant cannot be started when it has been fully assembled, the plant will be deemed to have been delivered in accordance with the terms of payment.

All documents in connection with the solar plant are entered on the website Here, as a customer, you will be able to log in and find all information. In Boligmappa, you will find all the information registered on the property.

• Connecting the solar system to the internet requires that the Customer has Wifi coverage where the inverter is installed, and that the Wifi network's name and password are made available to the installer during the installation

• If sufficient Wi-Fi coverage and signal strength are not available, the Customer is responsible for obtaining and implementing an internet connection for the Solar System. Note that some inverters cannot be connected to the internet in any other way than via Wifi. If there is poor coverage, this can normally be solved by buying an additional amplifier for the existing WIFI network.

• Enosol will help the Customer to register the solar system on the inverter manufacturer's web portal. The collection, storage and use of data on the manufacturer's portal is subject to terms and conditions set by the relevant manufacturer, and is solely a matter between the manufacturer and the Customer.

• Enosol has the right to collect, store and use production data from the solar plant at its own discretion and to check whether there are alarms or alerts on the plant. See more information in our privacy guidelines.


Liability for delays

Enosol is not responsible for direct losses if the shortage or delay is due to circumstances beyond Enosol's control and which Enosol cannot reasonably be expected to avoid. Enosol is only responsible for direct losses caused by negligence on Enosol's part.

Enosol is not responsible for indirect losses for the customer arising as a result of delays in deliveries or defects if this has not occurred due to gross negligence or intent on Enosol's part. Indirect loss means, among other things, lost profit as a result of the solar system not being able to be used as expected. Any work on the solar system must be carried out by authorized personnel.

Enosol is therefore not responsible for direct or indirect losses arising as a result of, among other things, repair and maintenance carried out by unauthorized personnel.



The customer can cancel the installation free of charge up to 14 days after the signed agreement, but no later than 14 days before the agreed installation date. However, this does not apply if special equipment must be ordered in connection with the installation. The customer can cancel the installation against payment of a cancellation fee of 5% of the total purchase price after 14 days before and up to the agreed installation date.

However, this does not apply to specially ordered equipment.

If the customer cancels the installation after the agreed start time, the customer must cover expenses for work that has been carried out and that cannot be reversed.



Disputes between the Customer and Enosol should be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, each party can bring the dispute before the ordinary courts, within the jurisdiction of Bergen District Court.

The agreement is sent out together with the order confirmation to the customer, for signing with Bank Id, etc.



In the case of other types of purchase, for example in the case of self-assembly or direct purchase from us, only parts of the conditions, those that comprise the order, will apply.